3v + merlin integrated media

research + understand + manage | tech + social change + risk

about 3v


sydney park snails

3v provides technology consultancy services in many areas.

Mostly we focus on technology change and risk management, generally as part of the above.

But we also like the Cracking Arts Group purple snails, that, for a time in 2013, adorned a hill in Sydney Park.


3v one tree hill

3v has provided services to a wide range of organisations in various sectors of the economy, both for-profit and non-profit.

We also assist with domain names, the web and search in all its manifestations.

See our culture.com.au domain.

human eye

"The eye has the power, as is well known, of retaining visual impressions for a sensible period of time; and in this way, recurring actions, made sufficiently near to each other, are perceptibly connected, and made to appear as a continuous impression"

Michael Faraday, 1831

when we can finally see everything; then, at last, we are truly blind